Fourth Joint Conference on
Occupational Safety and Health
September 14 - 16, 2005
Orlando, Florida

2005 Conference Topics

Topic IV

Topic IV: Contractor Safety

Chair EU: Kris De Meester, Adviser, Confederation of Belgian Entreprises, Belgian

Co-chair US: Naomi G. Swanson, Leader, Worker Organization and Stress Research Team, NIOSH

Scribe US: Matthew Gillen, Senior Scientist, NIOSH

PPT File

Subtopic A:
Description of the Problem

  • What are the industries where contracting arrangements are a significant aspect of the conduct and organization of work?
  • What types of work are typically covered by these contracting arrangements, what are the types of employers, and are there particular groups of workers affected?
  • What are the safety and heath impacts and issues associated with contracting work for these industries, employers and workers?
  • What are the factors/aspects of contracting work that contribute to safety and health problems?

Subtopic B:
Training and Instruction

  • How do we ensure that the contractors and supervisors of contractors have basic knowledge and skills with regard to the risks present in the workplace?
  • How should the effectiveness of health and safety training be assessed?
  • Is there a need for mutual recognition of safety and health training programs and what mechanism is needed for that?

Subtopic C:
Specific Management Systems/Tools for Contractor Safety

  • What components should successful management systems have?
  • How can we determine the effectiveness of management systems/tools for contractor safety?
  • How do we ensure that all levels of the contractor chain (subcontracting) are included?

Subtopic D:
Effect on Health and Safety Indicators

  • What kinds of health and safety indicators are most important to examine? (Which best reflect the effectiveness of a good and/or poor safety and health program?)
  • How can we collect data (especially on indicators such as performance) that are comparable across industries?
  • How can we measure employee perception of a company health and safety program?